Wishing I was sitting at this cute vegan cafe in Ocean City, NJ sipping on some golden milk right now ☕️

The other day, I was scrolling through my camera roll and looking back at old memories from when I was a freshman in college. I started a blog back then and didn’t realize what a challenge it would be to take “insta-worthy” pictures from my dark and cramped dorm room, let alone be able to make the healthy meals I envisioned making in my head.
I knew coming into college that I wanted to at least attempt to make breakfast in my dorm room but I didn’t realize how creative I would have to get simply to make a staple breakfast item.
Just making oatmeal turned out to be a hassle, as it was always a bargain whether or not I had a clean spoon or bowl. I used to go out in my pajamas to fill up my 1/2 cup of water for my oatmeal and dreaded the days when I had to face the masses of prospective college students touring the “showcase” dorm room next to mine as they stared at me walking past them with a spoon and bowl in hand.
A simple “quick oats” turned out to be not so quick after all.
Most college students settled with a granola bar or handful of Cheerios they would run out the door with, but I always liked to make exciting and healthy breakfasts at home and I was determined to continue that in college (or at least I tried to most of the time). I have to say, buying a mini blender was one of the best items I ever bought for my dorm. My personal blender allowed me to throw in some yogurt, a banana, and some berries and in seconds make myself a healthy breakfast or snack.
It wasn’t always easy to make healthy choices in college, especially when the “all-you-can-eat” dining hall was right below my room and all it took was a “swipe” from my ID before I was sitting down eating my meal. Some days I made healthy choices and had time to make my own food, and other days I settled for whatever vegetarian options they were offering in the dining halls. And I reminded myself that both were just fine.
So, to anyone who needs to hear this
It’s ok not to be perfect about our health and wellness all of the time, sometimes you just have to go with the flow and be flexible, because you’re not always going to have a choice, and even when you do, you might not feel like reaching for that bowl of fruit instead of the bag of chips that day.
Listen to your body, it usually know what it wants. Let’s all be easy on ourselves, it takes effort to be mindful of what we put into our bodies and we are often way too hard on ourselves for not always reaching an “ideal of perfection” that only we are setting for ourselves.
Freedom is being at peace with our minds and bodies and removing the pressure of what is and isn’t “healthy.” That, is the best nourishment we can give our body and soul.
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